The Prince's Trust Education Offer

The Prince’s Trust Education Offer – for young people aged 11 to 19

Hello, my name is Hayley Wilkinson. I work for the Prince’s Trust, and I am the local Youth Development Lead supporting our Education Partners across Dundee.


This year, The Prince’s Trust celebrates 25 years of the Achieve programme. Achieve has a network of over 900 education providers and last year we supported over 16,000 young people.

I am delighted to share our new ways of working with you. We feel our adapted offer will enhance the experience for our schools and young people as they participate in our education offer.


Our Achieve programme provides an opportunity for young people aged 11-19 to try out new activities, boost their confidence and gain a recognised Prince’s Trust qualification.


You will receive in person support from myself, your dedicated Youth Development Lead. I will regularly be based at your school, and I will be on hand throughout the school year.


Our Ambition


  • To increase the numbers of young people we support from disadvantaged communities and those facing the greatest adversity.
  • Build relationships with teaching staff and other partners based in your school.
  • Understand the pupils in the school and their different needs.
  • Support in recruitment for the Achieve Programme.
  • Improve referral links to our School Transition Employability Programme, taking pressure off school staff.
  • Cross collaboration working with other partners in the school – joint projects and extra accreditation.
  • We can deliver bespoke Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion training.
  • Bespoke enrichment, short programmes/days delivered by Prince’s Trust. This can include our Apple delivery.
  • Qualifications in person support and help in submitting qualifications more regularly.
  • Assistance with Prince’s Trust paperwork, I will be on hand to support in person.


All resources, training and support is offered by the Prince’s Trust. The programme is mainly delivered by school teaching staff or DYW co-ordinators.


Our education offer can benefit young people in many ways, including:

  • A flexible and adaptable Personal and Social Development curriculum to suit all pupils aged 11 to 19.
  • Our whole offer has a key aim of closing the attainment gap.
  • The chance for pupils to gain a hard outcome, through our Qualifications available at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5.
  • Insight points for your school.
  • The chance for pupils to engage in Enrichment, Employability and School Transitions opportunities.


The Programme is flexible and can run from as little as 12 weeks to 3 years.


As part of the programme, young people will complete units from the following 6 subjects:


  • Life Skills
  • Personal Social Development
  • Active Citizenship
  • Enterprise
  • Prep for World of Work
  • Skills for School


Please reach out to me if you are interested in learning more about how we can work with you!


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