Step Up with Enterprise: Inspiring Future Entrepreneurs

Over the past few weeks, schools in Perth and Dundee have played host to an exciting series of workshops called Step Up with Enterprise, designed to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. These events, created and led by Matt Stewart from Entrepreneur Me, have already been a hit at Bertha Park High School, Perth Grammar, and Baldragon Academy, with more schools in the region set to follow.


Each workshop is a full-day experience, engaging entire year groups of first-year students—around 150 pupils per school. The day kicks off with the students being divided into groups that form their own mini-companies. These companies give themselves Scottish-themed business names, design logos, and assign key roles like manager, finance lead, buyer, sales executive, and quality control officer. Matt emphasizes the importance of assigning the right people to the right jobs based on their unique strengths.


Once the companies are formed, the real challenge begins. Each team is tasked with producing four Scottish-themed products, such as bookmarks inspired by Scottish authors or postcards showcasing local landmarks. Along the way, the students interact with volunteers from local businesses, who serve as bankers, shopkeepers, or even undercover “thieves” who sneak cash from unsuspecting groups if they’re not paying attention!


Throughout the day, Matt keeps the energy high with fun and unexpected twists, like introducing “get rich quick” schemes, adding surprise delivery fees, or closing the shop without warning. These obstacles not only keep the students on their toes but also mimic the real-life unpredictability of running a business. It’s not uncommon to hear groups burst into laughter or rally together with cries of “That’s not fair!” as they face challenges together.


By the end of the workshop, the young financiers balance the books and calculate the profits, with the winning company being the one that made the most money. The result? An unforgettable day of teamwork, creativity, and hands-on learning that leaves students with a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship and the highs and lows that come with it.


Matt Stewart’s Step Up with Enterprise workshops are proving to be a fantastic way to teach young people business skills in a fun, memorable way. We’re excited to see how this program continues to inspire more young entrepreneurs across Tay Cities!