Young Enterprise Scotland Company & Team Programme

Young Enterprise Scotland Company & Team Programme– Develop Transferable Skills for Life and Work – SCQF Level 3 & Level 6  

  • The Young Enterprise Scotland Company Programme is the most immersive enterprise experience which runs over an academic year for S5 and S6 students. Young people learn by doing as they set up a business, assign leadership roles, brainstorm product and service ideas, and launch onto the market. The Team Programme runs in the same format and has been designed and delivered for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. They focus on ensuring students develop transferable enterprise skills that they can build on through their next phase after high school. 


These programs can be run as an extracurricular group after school or at lunchtime, as an option on the school timetable, or over 12 weeks.  It is also possible to start before the summer holidays informally, and then register your school in August 2024.  

Please find more information in the attached 1-pagers, and please get in touch for their full Educator or Accreditation Guides. 

Please complete this short form to automatically receive the registration link in August, and to sign up to attend an information session