Get started in games programme

Get started in games programme

Sign up for the Dundee and Angus College week long taster programme for young people in Dundee, covering all aspects of the games industry. Completing this course gives you the chance to progress to our Games Academy programme and even a Paid Apprenticeship with one of 14 local games companies!

Get Started in Games start dates are 23rd Sep, 21st Oct, 18th Nov and 9th Dec

For more information visit HERE or to sign up, please contact Laura Louch at

Army Work Experience Course

Army Work Experience Course





FutureChefs Student Bake Off

FutureChef Jnr & FutureChef the Competition

This programme is made up of two dynamic elements: FutureChef Jnrs & FutureChef the Competition. The former is open to S1 and S2 and the latter for S3 to S5.


The programmes are an excellent way to  spotlight your department and showcase the talent you have within your schools!


To register for this years programmes you can access this on the link below or please contact

MVV Environment Baldovie School's Invite

MVV Environment Baldovie

To book your visit please contact

Fujitsu Hub - Free on-demand employability platform

Fujitsu Hub

In collaboration with Springpod, we’ve developed a free and on-demand work experience and employability platform, ‘Fujitsu Hub’, aimed to boost individuals’ employability skills and confidence, while raising awareness about trending areas and topics in the tech industry- such as cyber security and quantum computing. Our platform is on-demand, which means individuals can complete content at their own pace and convenience. The platform includes:


  • A ‘Fujitsu WorkX’ programme, offering insights into various trending tech areas of our business and the industry, and allowing individuals to find out about Fujitsu’s technology experts and engage in online activities.
  • A ‘Digital Skills’ Programme, which showcases the value of digital skills and how we can become responsible digital citizens.
  • ‘Sprints’, consisting of video-led content and activities designed to provide insights into specific tech areas and professional roles, topics include: Cloud, Crowd Analysis, Cybersecurity, Quantum Computing, and Smart Cities, with each sprint each lasting approximately 30 minutes – 1.5 hours.
  • ‘Employability Skill Sessions’ – consisting of various sessions that focuses on essential workplace skills, with each session lasting approximately 30 minutes – 1.5 hours.


You can access our live and on-demand platform here




Tina McGuff – Free school tour 2024 /2025

Tina McGuff – Free school tour 2024 /2025

Tina McGuff – Free school tour 2024 /2025

I am the author of “Seconds to Snap,” a critically acclaimed book about my journey of recovery from
an eating disorder. Over the years, my work has not only helped many others but has also allowed me
to personally support families facing similar challenges.
As someone who has worked in student support services at a college, delivered Mental Health First
Aid across the UK, and collaborated with hospitals, schools, and organisations, I understand the
pressing need for mental health education and support. The messages I receive—whether from
families seeking guidance or individuals struggling with their mental health—underscore the urgency
of what is to be done.

To address this need, I propose a solution: a tour of high schools in major Scottish cities. Starting in
Tayside, I plan to deliver talks and workshops to secondary school students, staff, and parents. These
sessions will cover essential topics such as self-esteem, mental well-being, eating disorders, body
image, anxiety, and recovery.

The format of each workshop will be tailored to the specific needs of each school. I am grateful for
the support of SEEME, Supported ED, and Beat Eating Disorders, who will provide booklets,
pamphlets, and valuable resources. Importantly, all workshops will be offered free of charge to the

During my visits, I will spend dedicated time with whichever year group you choose, fostering open
conversations and providing one-on-one support conversations if needed be where I can signpost
them to the appropriate support.

Additionally, I am in communication with media outlets—including the Lorraine Kelly team, STV, BBC,
and local/national press—to amplify our message and raise awareness.

I kindly request your consideration and support for this campaign. Enclosed, please find a selection of
feedback and quotes that highlight the impact of our work.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young people across Scotland.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your school.
Best wishes and immense gratitude,
Tina McGuff

If you would like Tina at your school please email her directly at



Feedback and quotes from the book, talks, workshops and support.

A courageously honest narrative. A story that had to be told. — Brenda Chapman ― Writer/Director of
Pixar Film Brave
This is an important, searingly honest book that will change lives. Tina is one of the bravest woman I’ve
ever met. — Lorraine Kelly – Author and broadcaster
“Brutally honest…A valuable insight” — The lancet
Mother, Grandmother, and speaker sharing the lessons she has passed on to her daughters around
working hard, spreading kindness, and finding your own positivity, confidence, and beauty – I read Tina
McGuff’s survival story with awe. She is truly a war-survivor. A veteran in the battle against mental
illness in the form of anorexia. Like many of us, her feud takes place on the battlefield of her mind
against an invisible enemy who strikes with words of inadequacy, failure, and fear. In a time where we
are all struggling to understand mental illness, McGuff’s courageous and candid story speaks to what
it is like to face down an enemy that lurks in the hidden places of your mind and destroys you from
within. This timely and important story is universal. For who among us has not heard an inner-voice
whisper “You’re not goo enough” and wondered if it wasn’t true? — Linda Graham
What is exceptional about this book is that it’s not only a heartwarming true story and a gripping read,
but that it manages to be both while providing hope for so many by helping us understand so much
about the psychology of this terrible disease. — Gary Clark ― Musician
Congrats on so many things, will keep reading your harrowing yet compelling tale. My pleasure Tina –
your story is shocking and affirming in equal measure and I am sure a big help to many people who find
themselves in similar situations. Congrats again. — Dom Holland ― Comedian, Author and
What an amazing book written with such honesty – you are such a strong and inspiring lady, thank you
for sharing your story, I am sure it was not easy to be so open and honest but the help and hope it will
give anyone going through a tough time is so important. — Tana Ramsay ― Author and broadcaster
This book is inspiring and empowering. Tina takes you on a journey through her darkness and into the
light, offering much needed insight and hope to those on a similar path. Thank you Tina for sharing your
story with such open honest and clarity. You are a gift. — Fi Munro ― Author & public speaker
“Tina brings into sharp reality a painful journey of recovery. But recover she
did. What a woman,
what a story” – India Hicks, British Designer, author and businesswoman
“Tina McGuff fully embraces the challenge of unpacking childhood trauma In
Seconds to Snap. With her incredibly authentic storytelling, Tina reveals how
she navigated through immense adversity with great strength, honesty, and
tenacity.” – Coach Mike Bayer, NY Times best-selling author and personal
development coach on Dr Phil
Highly informative and presented by Tina (instructor) to an outstanding level. The course was easy to
follow but at the same time in-depth. Easily one of the most professional and knowledgeable trainers I
have met and that helped enormously with the sensitivity and seriousness of the topics covered –
Alison (Orkney)
I have been on several mental health courses & this one is by far the best. Tina is an amazing
inspirational person with such an amazing story to tell! Her journey to recovery is an inspiration &
makes her such a unique person to deliver this course. – Heather Brown
Absolutely amazing course. Tina slotted right into our group, her honesty and vulnerability made it a
comfortable and relaxed environment which was reflected in how open everyone was in sharing their
thoughts and personal stories. The activities and videos kept the sessions engaging and not too heavy.
Very thought provoking and a lot relatable to everyday life not just mental health (such as listening
skills, empathy, etc). I’ve come away feeling incredibly passionate about the subject and comfortable
using the skills I’ve learnt to make a difference in people’s life. -Molly
I first became aware of Tina McGuff when her book (Seconds to Snap) was recommended to me by a
school friend. After reading this autobiographical account of anorexia and other mental health issues, I
approached Tina to speak with our patient and staff group at the Priory Hospital Glasgow.
Since meeting Tina I have become aware of her strengths and knowledge of anorexia nervosa. She has
offered support to patients and staff at the Priory Hospital. This support has been invaluable.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully
Dr Fiona Morrison Consultant Psychiatrist
Tina has helped me so much over the last year during a time when I felt like nobody understood me
and everyone was against me
She not only informed me about my illness and why I may be feeling the way I am (which was
extremely helpful as I was very confused and angry) but she also helped my family come to grips how
to approach the situation and the dangers of how bad it can get.
What struck me most was that Tina didn’t have to do any of this for me, but she went out of her way to
send support from another country to help me. And even after I got out of my intensive treatment
programme she still didn’t stop supporting me, as she knows the illness very well she understood that
the time after you put the weight on can be the hardest. I have never felt forgotten with Tina.
But most of all she is an inspiration to me, she is proof that there is life after this illness, that things can
get better and you can start a family, achieve dreams and be happy.
Tina made me realise how serious the illness is in a world where it is idolised to be thin and diet
through the media. I cannot thank her enough for that- and her book was very helpful too.
The similarities I saw between us was scary and it was like she was talking to me personally through
the words, showing me I needed to change to be happy.
Thank you Tina.
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to provide a reference for Tina McGuff whom I have known for the last year. My sister’s first
approached Tina for help as my daughter had been diagnosed with anorexia and was gravely ill.
Tina kindly arranged to meet my sister’s and gave them support and help with regards to contacting
agencies who could help as well as offering them significant emotional support.
Tina then began corresponding with me and was a huge comfort when I was asking her advice about
the disease. Her knowledge and expertise helped alleviate my fears and she was always responsive
and happy to help. We even met up when I visited Scotland and the ease at which she communicated
with my daughter was inspiring and more importantly my daughter responded to Tina advice.
Tina has continued to offer support and guidance to us as a family and has done so out of the
goodness of her own heart.
What I love about Tina is that she demonstrates a desire to help her fellow human being and is
passionate about raising the problems of eating disorders. She has credibility as a consequence of her
immense knowledge and has a respectful and professional approach to her work.
More than that she has integrity, compassion and is a wonderful ambassador for eating disorders
within our society.
Kind regards Lorraine Hyde (mum)
To whom it may concern,
Tina, has assisted myself within practice and outside practice advising me with treatment of clients
regarding emotional and psychological aspects relating to eating disorders and mental illness
associated with this issue. Furthermore, Tina has assisted me by offering support to a vulnerable
individual with various issues, which includes an eating disorder, out with the therapy room in order to
facilitate a larger support network and structure.
Tina’s input and experience is invaluable to both the individual, their family and professional sectors
such as myself. I regularly seek input from Tina in order to understand at a greater depth the
complexities of an eating disorder and the plethora of emotions and issues that surround this mental
and physical health issue.
I would highly recommend Tina.
Vicki Simpson-Price – Psychotherapist.
We are incredibly grateful to Tina for her on going, unwavering support. Her talks and input into what
we offer our pupils is crucial in understanding eating disorders, managing them and indeed the
recovery process. Her incredible depth of knowledge and first hand experience is vast and she is
always more than willing to assist. Her talks are always hugely informative and thought provoking to us
all, we are most fortunate to be able to call upon Tina’s expertise. Not only does she deliver the most
incredible talk, but she takes the time to talk to any pupils who feel they need further support. Her
warm words of encouragement and pearls of wisdom are always well received and are indeed life
changing for some. March 2024
Mr Chris Allan
Principal Teacher
Principal Teacher of Pastoral Care and Support
High School of Dundee
Euclid Crescent
Thank you so much, Tina, for your inspirational and knowledgeable talk about eating disorders. Sharing
her experience with our students. Your message was clear and passionate, and the students were left
in no doubt about how important it is to reach out if they are struggling or if they see a friend in need.
Most importantly, you are proof that eating disorders can be managed and you can regain control and
live a fulfilling life no matter your starting point. We look forward to inviting you back again next session.
March 2024
Joanna Mushat
Head of 6th form/Teacher of Business and Economics
St George’s School, Edinburgh
T: 0131 311 8000
Tina McGuff, bestselling author of “Seconds to Snap” did a brilliant presentation to Marks and Spencer
today as part of our wellbeing series .We are passionate about promoting conversations around
mental health at M&S. Tina’s raw, honest, and inspirational account of her battle with an eating
disorder was a brilliant talk for our team. Her vulnerability helps normalise such an important topic and
encourages us all to be more open about mental health in the workplace.
Tina shared her journey on eating disorders and talked about mental health more generally. We got
such incredible feedback afterwards, so thank you so much Tina. And thank you to Tom Speed for
organising the session.
Eating disorders is a series condition affecting 1.5m people in the UK. I can thoroughly recommend
Tina if any other business would like her to come and present (virtually or in person). Her story is
honest, raw and inspirational in equal measure. And her book is incredible – grabs you from the first
page. February 2023
Sharry Cramond, Marketing Director (Food) Director, Hospitality. Marks and Spencer

Army Activity Days

Army Activity Days

Exciting Opportunity for Schools: Free Team Building & Life Skills Activity Days

Looking for an engaging and educational experience for your students? The British Army in Scotland is offering free activity days designed to help young people develop essential life skills in a fun, team-focused environment.

From August 2024 onwards, we are available to bring these fantastic opportunities directly to your school or organization. Whether you’re a P6 teacher or work with S6 students, our flexible programs can be tailored to fit any group. Sessions are available at no cost, and we can accommodate a variety of dates, times, and group sizes.

Our programs are centred around the TRIPLOC framework, which focuses on developing the following key skills:

  • Teamwork
  • Resilience
  • Initiative
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership
  • Organisational Skills
  • Communication

Please note that this is not a recruitment event for the Army. The primary goal is to provide an enriching experience that promotes personal growth and teamwork.

If you have any questions or would like to book an event, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to helping your students build confidence, resilience, and essential life skills.

SSgt Matthew Mac Donald | Engagement Officer

Ray Fernie Foundation – Opportunity Grants

Ray Fernie Foundation – Opportunity Grants

  • The Ray Fernie Foundation Opportunity Grants are to fund small, unexpected costs which if not met would deny a young person the opportunity to apply for a job, attend an interview, participate in work experience, or some other life-changing experience.

Examples could be to pay for a Birth Certificate copy, Safety Equipment for a Work Experience Placement, or to remove other barriers in the way of an opportunity.

The Ray Fernie Foundation has asked DYW Tay Cities to administer their Opportunity Grants for young people of school-leaving age across Perth & Kinross, Dundee, and Angus.



  • The young person must be of school leaving age from S4 upwards.
  • The fund is to support young people with barriers to employment, which must be listed.
  • The grants are small but must make a difference in a young person’s journey to employment.


If you would like further information on the process, please email DYW Tay Cities at

The Prince's Trust Education Offer

The Prince's Trust Education Offer

The Prince’s Trust Education Offer – for young people aged 11 to 19

Hello, my name is Hayley Wilkinson. I work for the Prince’s Trust, and I am the local Youth Development Lead supporting our Education Partners across Dundee.


This year, The Prince’s Trust celebrates 25 years of the Achieve programme. Achieve has a network of over 900 education providers and last year we supported over 16,000 young people.

I am delighted to share our new ways of working with you. We feel our adapted offer will enhance the experience for our schools and young people as they participate in our education offer.


Our Achieve programme provides an opportunity for young people aged 11-19 to try out new activities, boost their confidence and gain a recognised Prince’s Trust qualification.


You will receive in person support from myself, your dedicated Youth Development Lead. I will regularly be based at your school, and I will be on hand throughout the school year.


Our Ambition


  • To increase the numbers of young people we support from disadvantaged communities and those facing the greatest adversity.
  • Build relationships with teaching staff and other partners based in your school.
  • Understand the pupils in the school and their different needs.
  • Support in recruitment for the Achieve Programme.
  • Improve referral links to our School Transition Employability Programme, taking pressure off school staff.
  • Cross collaboration working with other partners in the school – joint projects and extra accreditation.
  • We can deliver bespoke Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion training.
  • Bespoke enrichment, short programmes/days delivered by Prince’s Trust. This can include our Apple delivery.
  • Qualifications in person support and help in submitting qualifications more regularly.
  • Assistance with Prince’s Trust paperwork, I will be on hand to support in person.


All resources, training and support is offered by the Prince’s Trust. The programme is mainly delivered by school teaching staff or DYW co-ordinators.


Our education offer can benefit young people in many ways, including:

  • A flexible and adaptable Personal and Social Development curriculum to suit all pupils aged 11 to 19.
  • Our whole offer has a key aim of closing the attainment gap.
  • The chance for pupils to gain a hard outcome, through our Qualifications available at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5.
  • Insight points for your school.
  • The chance for pupils to engage in Enrichment, Employability and School Transitions opportunities.


The Programme is flexible and can run from as little as 12 weeks to 3 years.


As part of the programme, young people will complete units from the following 6 subjects:


  • Life Skills
  • Personal Social Development
  • Active Citizenship
  • Enterprise
  • Prep for World of Work
  • Skills for School


Please reach out to me if you are interested in learning more about how we can work with you!


Prince’s Trust Contact –

Young Enterprise Scotland SCQF Level 3 & Level 6

Young Enterprise Scotland Company & Team Programme

Young Enterprise Scotland Company & Team Programme– Develop Transferable Skills for Life and Work – SCQF Level 3 & Level 6  

  • The Young Enterprise Scotland Company Programme is the most immersive enterprise experience which runs over an academic year for S5 and S6 students. Young people learn by doing as they set up a business, assign leadership roles, brainstorm product and service ideas, and launch onto the market. The Team Programme runs in the same format and has been designed and delivered for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. They focus on ensuring students develop transferable enterprise skills that they can build on through their next phase after high school. 


These programs can be run as an extracurricular group after school or at lunchtime, as an option on the school timetable, or over 12 weeks.  It is also possible to start before the summer holidays informally, and then register your school in August 2024.  

Please find more information in the attached 1-pagers, and please get in touch for their full Educator or Accreditation Guides. 

Please complete this short form to automatically receive the registration link in August, and to sign up to attend an information session